Vallarta Stand Up Paddle Tour (SUP)
Puerto Vallarta Stand Up Paddle Lessons
Stand UP Paddle Board Rentals
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Puerto Vallarta Stand UP Paddle (SUP)

Vallarta Paddle Board

Stand UP Paddle (SUP)

SUP or Stand Up Paddle has became very popular in the most prestigious vacation destinations

Hoe he'e nalu in Hawaian, as the sport has it roots there, is emerging globally. SUP is an ancient form of surfing that was originally used by surfers in Hawaii for long distance paddling.

SUP has become very popular in Puerto Vallarta area and Vallarta Surf Tours is one of the first operators in the Banderas Bay, who offers SUP rentals, SUP classes and SUP tours in the Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco regions.

SUP is easier to learn than Surfing, usually within an hour you are ready to #navigate the SUP board, it is a great introduction to surfing, hence the popularity.

Stand Up Paddle has increasingly became popular among athletes, celebrities and tourists as it benefits a strong core work out.

Now you can join Vallarta Surf Tours for brief instruction and then take the waves on the SUP board!

Banderas Bay of Puerto Vallarta area has incredible diversity of flaura and fauna and SUP is one of the very unique ways you can actively enjoy Puerto Vallarta's surroundings from the perspective of the Pacific Ocean.